Sexual-Lobster at his best.
I go into this review as unbiased as I can, considering I'm a pretty big fan of your previous animations after having watched every one of your flashes on NG and knowing the lyrics to this and the other two Fernando songs by heart. Just bare that in mind. I believe that I've managed to stop myself from coming across as an arselicking fan. :3
As it has been for the past few years, the animation is fluid and smooth, with no moments where I really got the impression that a certain movement was rushed or such. The art style is more of the same, arguably unoriginal, however animating these same characters in a completely different style would be a negative in two regards; firstly as people would not react positively to any sort of change and secondly because your experience in this particular art direction surpasses that of any other and allows you to create your best animations and artwork.
One element of the animation present in all of the song flashes (but not others) is that it's very clear that many of the animations (such as Fernando's hipswaying) are completely identical to the last and overall there seems to be movieclips repeating everywhere. Due to their timing with the music, this had a rhythmic feel and can also be seen as a positive, although perhaps toning down on it slightly would be a good idea. Admittedly, Randy's dance towards the end which was clearly contained within an MC gave me a good laugh.
I believe that the inclusion of a storyline into this was a positive, for songs simply revolving around references to previous submissions that many of the new viewers will not latch onto can be less memorable than those with stories like these, even if it's a pretty thin one. I think the return of Hernando is a positive, for he is a great character too. Putting Todd McGovern as someone whom Fernando doesn't seem to be too keen of seems rather odd, as the last time I recall him being in a flash of yours it was in the crabs episode right at the start of your animation endeavours, where he appears to be as close to Fernando as gopher producers can be.
Now I'm going to come onto the audio, firstly the music. When I first opened the flash I had not yet read in the description that the music track is a modified form of Space Duck's background music, and I didn't even notice despite that being one of my favourite tracks on the Newgrounds audio portal. This version wasn't quite so relaxing, but instead was more fitting for this particular flash, giving the urge to pulsate my hips and get thrusting in time with the music. I'm not sure which version I prefer, but they're both great despite being better for very different moods.
The voice acting I personally found convincing and I cannot really fault it. Todd's voice sounded rather more nasal than I previously remember, although my recollections are vague and cloudy, so I cannot remember his exact voice in the past. Hernando's voice especially stood out to me as an example of fine voice-acting, perhaps as his accent gives more opportunity than the other characters' other than Fernando, whom talks in a bit of a whisper, covering his accent up a lot.
My least favourite section was that which was devoid of all speaking/singing parts, simply because when I'm running through the song in my head that section doesn't stick in as well as the rest for that reason. This is me seriously nitpicking, though.
To conclude, I think that once again you have outdone yourself once again and created a memorable song to go along with your recent few and displays great humour, skill in animation and musical talents. I'm very impressed.
9/10. 5/5. A catchy song coupled with great quality art and animation that just happens to have hilarious lyrics to top the whole thing off.